Welcome to Jesus4Students.org! Our non-profit for church planters exists to help start and assist churches reach university students all over the world. We need partners like you to help us fulfill the Great Commission to Generation Z.
Generation Z(born from the mid 90s) students are part of the largest generation on record, and represent the future leaders of the world. Unfortunately, they are also the demographic least reached with the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Non-Profit for Church Planters & Church Plants
At Jesus4Students (J4S), we intend to help start churches and provide existing church plants in university areas with funding for staff, SEO optimized websites and training in outreach/marketing strategies that prove effective on college campuses.
Pastor Dave with Rutgers Students at ROC, a new Generation Z church plant.
Hi, I’m David Butler, the young dude on the left, and founder of Jesus4Students. The Lord gave me a passion to reach the next generation for Himself a number of years ago. So in 2006, I started Christian dating advice website as an attempt to biblically and relevantly address their needs. The site still gathers tens of thousands of visitors worldwide on a monthly basis.
Pursuing His vision further, in January 2010, I left my secure career of 26 years in Family Court to be a church planter and licensed pastor through the C&MA church planting movement. Starting out at my own dining room table, in Fall 2010, the Lord used me to launch Oasis Church. Hundreds of people have come to Christ through this church plant, and in 2017 the church was blessed with its own building. Is God amazing or what?
In Fall 2015, the Lord refined this vision to reaching students located on college campuses. Believing that God honors faith filled risk taking, I arrived on the Rutgers University campus in New Brunswick with nothing but a box of Bibles. Less than a year later, on September 11, 2016, He miraculously allowed us to launch Rutgers.Church(ROC). I started this stand alone collegiate church organically by growing a team of students, and empowering and equipping them to take on leadership roles. Students love to take ownership of things, if we only give them the chance!
I call the ROC church planting model a “student led-elder fed” church, and it’s a prototype of the kind of church plants we at J4S want to help start and assist in university areas all over the world with the help of partners like you! You can help make an eternal impact on the next generation of leaders by giving to this cause.
From Student Outreaches, Church Services,Original Music from our Bandand Community Involvement, ROC & Oasis helps empower students to lead the church into the next generation. The following are just a few snapshots of our work over the last 2 years.
I get so much joy working with Generation Z students at Rutgers University, and have a passion to help churches reach them in universities all over the country. What’s funny is they love me and I love them, but when we first started ministering to them on campus, I soon realized they did not “get” …
Hey guys, here are three well-established facts regarding Christianity and college students that ought to capture the attention of any gospel-loving pastor or church planter: 1. College is a time of unprecedented openness to all things, including the gospel. 2. Many awakenings, both major and minor, have started through college students. 3. There is a …